update se.func_resources r
set name='/admin/edu'||name where exists(select * from cfg.apps a where a.id=r.app_id
and a.name='edu-base-adminapp');
update se.func_resources r
set name='/info/edu'||name where exists(select * from cfg.apps a where a.id=r.app_id
and a.name='edu-base-infoapp');
update se.func_resources r
set name='/admin'||name where exists(select * from cfg.apps a where a.id=r.app_id
and a.name='base-adminapp');
update se.func_resources r set app_id=(select id from cfg.apps a where a.name='edu-base-adminapp')
where exists(select * from cfg.apps a where a.id=r.app_id and a.name in('base-adminapp','edu-base-infoapp'));
update se.menus r set app_id=(select id from cfg.apps a where a.name='edu-base-adminapp')
where exists(select * from cfg.apps a where a.id=r.app_id and a.name in('base-adminapp','edu-base-infoapp'));
update cfg.apps set name='base-webapp',title='基础信息',secret='base-webapp',base='{webapp}/base',url='{webapp}/base' where name='edu-base-adminapp';
delete from usr.roots r where exists(select * from cfg.apps a where a.id=r.app_id and a.name in('edu-base-infoapp','base-adminapp'));